Edition #10 — MoonPirate Beer Launch Party (Special Edition)

Hey everyone!
This is a special edition Chronicles newsletter, talking specifically about a very important MoonPirate milestone.
Yes, of course I am referring to our MoonPirate Tropical IPA launch party which occurred last weekend — the first crypto beer in the world!!!
Firstly, remember this wasn’t just a whitelabeling exercise. This was a brand new recipe, created specifically for MoonPirate, that has never existed before. Brewed by Catchment Brewing Co, a well established brewery (with big plans for the future) who only produce high quality craft beer. A beer which was chosen and designed by our MoonPirate Admin Team (the next one will be chosen/designed by YOU).
Ok, so let me start with the star of the show — the MoonPirate Tropical IPA. I’m a big beer lover. I have no idea how many different beers I have tried in my lifetime, but it would be in the hundreds without a doubt. Some beer I love. Some beer I hate. At the end of the day, everyone has a different palate. So I’m not going to lie, I was a little nervous when the bartender poured the first two pints for myself and the CEO of Catchment, Matt Newberry (who by the way, popped in and said hello on Telegram during the week and is starting to get a little active on Twitter as well — nice work Matt!). However, any nerves I had were quickly eliminated as the sweet golden nectar touched my lips for the first time. Now, I say this with NO MoonPirate-tinted goggles on, as I was prepared to give this an honest review, because at the end of the day, it’s only one man’s opinion. But this beer is SUPERB!

It’s worth mentioning that this isn’t a cheap beer. As I mentioned earlier, Catchment Brewing Co are only known for making high-quality craft beer. MoonPirate Tropical IPA retails for $13 a pint, which isn’t cheap, but is consistent with other fantastic craft beers of the same quality.
So this is a tropical IPA, but I was worried that it would be “too” fruity, which can turn a lot of people off. It wasn’t. Yes, there was subtle fruity notes but it wasn’t overwhelming. The beer is very drinkable (despite it being 6.5% which I think crept up on a few pirates very quickly!) and it left a pleasant taste in the mouth.
One very popular beer in Australia is Stone and Wood Pacific Ale (its won a lot of awards and despite it being a craft beer, most Aussie’s have tried it). I love Stone and Wood and it actually surprises me to say this, but I liked MoonPirate Tropical IPA even more. Whilst I found it similar tasting, it wasn’t quite as fruity (which I think is a good thing), was a little less cloudy and had a little more crispness to it. Again, these are my words and my words only, you would have to ask the other pirates in attendance what they thought because they may tell you something completely different.

In the picture above, in the top right, you will see the 600L stainless steel fermenter in which MoonPirate was fermented in. Catchment Brewing Co has a downstair section (which was pumping all night!), a quiet backroom section and an awesome function room upstairs. The MoonPirate IPA is tapped to the downstairs area and stands out with its bright orange tap label and the now well-recognised MoonPirate logo. And yes, people were scanning the logo to watch it “come to life” with our MoonPirate AR app on Android and Apple. Catchment Brewing Co had a play with this app as well:
I asked as many guests as possible what they thought of the beer and I did not receive one negative reply. I even tried to get something negative out of a few but they wouldn’t budge. EVERYONE LOVED THIS BEER. One lady who attended (who stated she is not a beer drink normally) tried the beer and she drank it all night and absolutely loved it. So it was very well received.
As I said above, it does go down very easily and I heard there was quite a few people struggling the next day hahaha. Speaking of guests, I didn’t count how many came but the venue was packed…we were shoulder to shoulder to start with until some people spread upstairs. In hindsight, we are very lucky, because Brisbane is now in a Covid lockdown so we had the party just in time! I am guessing there was around 100 people in attendance and everyone had a ball. There was pirate paraphernalia scattered on tables and people were wearing pirate hats, bandannas, eye patches, using swords/guns and more. It was great to see different individuals and groups mingling and making new friends and after all, that’s what life is all about.
I put on a $1000 bar tab for the evening and Swyftx also came along (Australia’s best crypto exchange) and put on another $500 as well, thanks guys! There was a lot of people in attendance who were new to crypto or MoonPirate was their first purchase and it was good for them to talk to Swyftx and other guests about crypto in general and learn more as a result.

I only saw one dropped glass all night (which is a pretty good effort haha) and the bar tab went pretty quickly. I spoke to the Bookings Manager and I “think” he told me we drank close to 200 litres on the night, which is a solid effort. Catchment Brewing Co put on some great food including prawn, lamb and chicken canapes and a wide range of fancy wood-fired pizzas. The brisket pizza with capsicum was a crowd favourite.
Unfortunately it was so busy and so loud, it made it difficult to do any speech and we didn’t have a microphone present. I wasn’t too phased by this because everyone was having so much fun I really didn’t want to spoil the fun.
Some guests were lucky enough to receive a MoonPirate cap, MoonPirate coaster, MoonPirate stubby cooler, MoonPirate stickers, MoonPirate coins (prototype coin only, the real coins will go on sale on our official store very soon).
I tried to mingle with as many guests as possible and thank everyone for coming. I apologise if there was anyone I missed on the night.
We also had a MoonPirate rum cake (thanks to Greg’s wife for making this, everyone said it was yummy….I can’t remember if I ate it!)

All in all, it was a fabulous night and everyone had a lot of fun and the beer was amazing. We are doing a MoonPirate beer in cans in the coming months and the Tropical IPA will be one of the voting options (alongside some new contenders). I loved the Tropical IPA so much I am hoping it’s chosen for the cans, but that will be up to our holders.
I just want to say a big thanks to Catchment Brewing Co, in particular Matt their CEO. The night was about MoonPirate but it was equally about Catchment Brewing Co. I know Matt has big plans for Catchment and I am very excited to watch them grow/expand and hopefully MoonPirate can continue to be a part of the journey. If you haven’t already, lets support Catchment on all their social media platforms:
Finally, the LAUNCH PARTY VIDEO IS VERY CLOSE TO BEING FINISHED!!!! This will be made available on our Twitter in the next 24 hours!!!
A reminder I am on a week’s holiday (school holidays) and will have very limited wifi reception. I just posted on Telegram and mentioned that price is doing ok, we have recovered a little from our big dip and now crab-walking which is healthy. The number of whales has been significantly reduced (which you can check for yourself) and I honestly believe only good whales are remaining. I invest in a lot of crypto and all my holdings (VET, GRT, LINK, ADA, MFT — just to name some) are all in the same boat as us due to current market conditions. Who knows, this could turn around in a week, or it may be a lot longer. This was never a sprint. It’s a marathon. Have a good week!