Edition #6 — Treasure, Tides & Tigers
Ahoy! Welcome to Edition #6 of the MoonPirate Chronicles!
Now, I’ll be honest, I’m absolutely run off my feet with MoonPirate right now, as is the rest of the team. We have so much going on and kicking so many goals, it’s quite frantic. Exciting as well!
So I have lots to talk about today (as usual) but due to time constraints, I’m going to try and make it concise and to the point. So I’ll stick to 11 chapters today (is that all!!??). Ok, here goes nothing…
- Governance Platform
- Upcoming Weekly Schedule
- Energy Drink
- WhitePaper
- Exchanges
- Website Updates
- Channel 9 News
- Lucia’s Port
- Custom MoonPirate PS5 Winner Announced
- Get Nok Update
- Catchment Brewery Update
Governance Platform
We launched our very own MoonPirate Governance Platform!
This is a blockhain-verified voting system, which connects to the holders wallet when voting. The wallet connection is to only read how many MoonPirate tokens you have (the more tokens you hold, the more voting power you have). It does not cost you any tokens to vote! The Governance Platform has been added to our website, which you can see in the image below:
I am literally super excited about this as it makes us a true governance token. All of the votes are in the blockchain and it ensures our investors have a say in everything we do. From the small decisions to the big decisons…it’s YOUR say.
To kick start the Governance Platform we released our first vote on an energy drink flavour (read more in next segment below). It was actually quite fun to watch as people watched the live results. I even heard some people bought more MoonPirate before voting, just because they felt particular strong about one of the voting options!
We have now released a second poll regarding our merch store. The Governance Platform will become an integral part of the MoonPirate ecosystem. Each poll will have an end date, so make sure you get in and have your say on MoonPirate.
You can access this Governance Platform on our website (read above) or go to the below website:
Upcoming Weekly Schedule
No words required here. The below picture says it all
Energy Drink
MoonPirate is a lot of things. We are a governance platform for crypto-liquor. We are an ecosystem full of amazing platforms and apps. We are a brand. We are digital. We are real. And we are always looking to expand, if it fits our image/brand. Some of our holders do not drink alcohol and we want to diversify and keep everyone happy. We considered all options but an energy drink suits the MoonPirate brand perfectly. Not only can it be used as a mixer for alcohol (we have lots of cool ideas in this space don’t you worry), it’s a cool “pick me up” and will be a welcome addition to our lineup.
Phase 1 of MoonPirate Energy Drink will be US based only. We will then look to expand.
As explained above, we used our brand new Governance Platform for our very first poll — which energy drink flavour do you want!
Seven Seas Original sped away with a big early lead, but Kraken Cherry Sugar Free continued to nip at the heels. Poor Cotton Candy is crying in a dark, isolated corner :)
The poll ends on June 1, so if you haven’t already, make sure you vote.
We already have can designs in the works, which YOU will be voting on. All I can say is…..WOOOOOOWWWW, the can designs look amazing.
We have a WhitePaper! I won’t say much more as you can go read it yourselves :)
The WhitePaper can be viewed on our updated website:
You can also download the entire MoonPirate HUB or just the WhitePaper into a PDF format.
Make sure you have a read!
Given how serious we are about MoonPirate and where we see ourselves in the future, listing on exchanges was a no brainer. We stated we wanted to be listed on two exchanges by close of Q1….and we have delivered early!!!!
Our first exchange has already been announced. We are only allowed to mention it in Twitter and Telegram (due to paperwork), so please check out those social media channels.
We also have a second one in the works and should be able to make an announcement shortly.
As I’ve said a few times in Telegram, with exchanges now on board, we have too much momentum to stop. Especially with our governance platform, ecosystem, usecase, DEX/AMM, roadmap, collaborations and heaps more (and some secret business which no one even knows about yet). Do your own research of course, but things are looking mighty fine in MoonPirate land.
Website Updates
We continue to make updates to our website every step along the way.
Today, we have completed the following:
Make sure you check it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Channel 9 News
For those who don’t know, Channel 9 is one of the biggest television stations in Australia. And Channel 9 news is watched nightly by around 1 million Australians.
And somehow (and I had nothing to do with this and it’s still a mystery to me), MoonPirate was on Channel 9 news right alongside Bitcoin and Ethereum!
Watch the video here:
Lucia’s Port
Welcome back to the port — Today has been a great day! The community has stayed rather stable over the week but with the news of our first exchange it seems we are growing fast again. Our biggest aim moving forward is to improve our “shill game”. As a community token it is important that everybody helps to do a small part to get the word out there. If we are all able to do just one small thing a day, we would reach a wider audience of investors daily and bring fresh faces to the community. For the past month I, like a lot of us, have been living a double life as a pirate. It is rather catchy and after a while it almost becomes second nature to say “YARR” when in agreement to a question. My mother thinks I have lost the plot and my brother thinks I have taken up a role in a Pirates Of The Caribbean movie. Neither of their thoughts are far off if I am honest. Who doesn’t want to live the pirate life!
Anyway, something significant. The crypto world isn’t a very diverse one in several ways. In particular, for this entry I want to highlight the analogy between female pirates and women in Crypto. It is said that only 15% of Bitcoin investors are women. Although figures are rising, it would seem that the majority of the population in crypto are men. Whilst there are a great number of women who are openly achieving absolutely brilliant things in the industry — there are still many women who decide to remain hidden. From my personal experiences so far, I can understand why. It can be a rather toxic place, it is almost difficult to express this in one entry.
Now, female pirates were a rarity too. The Black Barts out there did not wish to see women join their positions and so made it a rule that they could not board ship. Consequently forcing women to disguise themselves as men and some had to give up their femininity to succeed. Much like how some women prefer to keep a low profile when it comes to investing (not as harsh of course). They even made odd superstitious tales that the presence of a woman on board would anger “the water Gods” and cause storms or bad weather. Bit deluded don’t you think?
The analogy really touched me. Women are the minority in Crypto as they were being pirates. Many ‘disguise’ under profiles to fit in or feel comfortable because often there are the odd few who have sexist views. Taking all this into account, I feel it is important to recognise how this system can be. Instead of focusing on whether we are women or men in any field — it should be standard to see each other for our achievements. It is far too wrong to say, “she is there because she is a woman” and not “she’s there because she puts the work in”. My best friend works in a field heavily dominated by men. As a mechanical engineer, she has faced many challenges yet she pursued her dreams and is where she is because she worked hard for it.
I want to see and work towards a change whereby women are more commonly recognised and shall we say “accepted’ into this space specifically, rather than harassed or targeted at the earliest convenience. I have had messages from many women as they do not feel comfortable chatting in main groups due to past experiences. This upsets me and it’s unacceptable. If these situations ever arise in our community chats — we tend to shut them down quickly. I want to let you all know that our spaces do not condone any of it. If you are ever messaged privately, called or harassed in any way — please message or report this to me. I am proud to say that our community is absolutely brilliant. I mean the team I am working with, really could not get any better, stronger, smarter or respectful. I feel empowered to be part of a project whereby we can empower other women to voice in an environment that we all know is difficult. I want a space where women feel comfortable and equal. We are equals.
Quote of the week: “Feminism isn’t about making women stronger. Women are already strong. It’s about changing the way the world perceives that strength.” G.D Anderson
Custom MoonPirate PS5 Winner
You lucky son of a gun!!!!
Troy popped into the Telegram group and said hello. Hopefully he can send us some pics of him playing on his brand new, one-of-a-kind PS5! I believe he is in Canada so this custom PS5 has found a new country to live in!
Congrats Troy!
Get Nok Update
Well Get Nok have been extremely busy setting up equipment and getting their distillery ready for production!
We will continue to bring you sneak-peaks and pictures every week. This week I will share their brand new copper distill!
It has been setup and is ready for the distillery.
Given we have so many new MoonPirate holders (over 88,000 now), I would recommend reading the AMA that was recently done with Nick, the Get Nok CEO. You can read this here.
Catchment Brewery Update
Well June 26 is fast approaching! Unless you have been living under a pirate rock, this is the date our Catchment x MoonPirate Tropical IPA is launched!
We have had 60 people RSVP for the event and still have capacity for around 40 more. So if you are in Brisbane and looking for a great night with even greater company and the best beer going around, make sure you RSVP below:
Catchment x MoonPirate RSVP Form
As mentioned previously, the beer is coming in at 6.5%. We have also updated the Tab Label with a high res version:
That has got to be the best looking Beer Label I have seen!!!
On the Launch night, I will be putting on a generous bar tab (strictly for MoonPirate Tropical IPA but you are welcome to purchase other drinks if you wish to do so) + lots of food.
We also have a videographer who will be filming the entire event, which will be uploaded onto our official YouTube channel.
And….just to let you know…the beer has finished fermenting!!!!
It’s going to be an amazing drop with hints of pineapple and berry flavours/aroma and with a 6.5% abv, it will make this beer very interesting but still incredibly drinkable!
Well that’s it from me. Thanks for everyone being so supportive (especially during this grizzly market). Onwards and upwards from here!
Until next week….
The Captain